Winter Cederberg Senior Expedition

The hike started off with an uncharacteristically short stroll down to the first huts. There was much walking from all parties and much yapping from James about cuts and bulks and other pointless subjects. We were all very shocked when we found the accommodation, as we were expecting a barn with a bale of hay (if we were lucky) whereas this hut had running water, a fridge and most importantly, comfortable beds. Supper was had, horses were seen, rivers were swam in and vlogs were made.

The next day, we hiked some more (shocker) and were trailed by Caleb and Junior who did their very best to hide themselves in bushes (apart from when snacks were being shared).  The route was very nice but rather soggy and we got lost a multitude of times. That night we stayed in another scrumptious accommodation, and got some much needed sleep after our marginally more strenuous hike of the day. Many cards against humanity games were played, spaghetti was over-cooked and cold swimming pools were swum in.

Our third hike ventured us through many a tall bush and scratchy shrubs, and then switched up to a hot, dry, uphill which some would say was equally painful. Somewhere along the way our maps, compass and GPS took a walk ahead so we had to revert to the good old mapping methods of using a Baofeng and complaining to Daniel. We got to Driehoek at around five and discovered a few key losses had been made along the way: Holly had lost a snail gibbit, Holly had lost a backpack gibbit and Holly had also lost her watch. Keeping this in mind we all ate supper surrounded by screaming children and went promptly to sleep.

The next morning was filled with much excitement as Driehoek had been covered in frost overnight, which resulted in much slipping, on Ringle Dingles part, and subsequent wearing of all of Johnson and Johnsons products, on Daniel’s part. A memorably messy breakfast was had before we headed off into the scarily quickly rising sun. This seemingly never-ending hike of the day led us through the Cracks (where many an unmentionable joke was made). The descent was over quickly due to Oliver’s constant screams of needing the bathroom, and we arrived at our final, and definitely best, accommodation yet. It was a yummily decorated, scrumptiously delightful house-thing in Sanddrif. We all played heinous amounts of werewolf and went to sleep smelling a lot better than we had done in days.

The next day and last day can be summed up in a few key words: rocks, eggs, cars. 

The end
Holly Raine

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