Contents – Smoke Signal 2019 Second Edition

Welcome to the second edition of Smoke Signals in 2019. Instead of a list of contents, you can skim this post and click on the articles that interest you. A different way to find content that interests you.

The Scouts started the term with a troop hike up Table Mountain  – have a look at the photos from the hike here. The troop was then involved in two competitions in this quarter and we reflect on our success at the Rayner hiking competition for senior scouts, as well as in the Upton Shield for junior scouts. In preparation, our junior scouts did a demanding hike in the Jonkershoek mountains with spectacular views.

The Cubs have been busy this term – with an outing to Sakhikamva, some hiking, the Senior Cub Survivor Camp and a sleep over at the hall under their belts!

Have you ever wondered who your child was spending their time with? You can have a look at the 2019 Scouters Roll for the answer!

Planning ahead, the annual camp has been scheduled and will take place at the Scout Ranch at Hawequas. The updated schedule for third term for scouts is also available so make sure you have the time to enjoy the great activities that are planned.

And as always, we include the Committee notes and reflections from the Troop Scouter.

Smoke Signals does not include every activity that we do. You can also see two of our Springbok Pioneering Projects here and here and our involvement with the City Nature Challenge.


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