Smoke Signals Edition 2, 2023

First Claremont Smoke Signals, 2023 Second Edition

Wow, we’ve made it through winter so far! But with all the rain those smoke signals might not be too visible – except that with all the packed reports from across the Group we’re sure to be visible from far away. In addition to the reports from all three branches Ian has started a dive through the 1st Claremont archives and describes our oldest artifact from the Troop’s founding in 1908.

Additionally, Smoke Signals is proud to introduce a PDF edition and thanks our resident graphic artists and extended editorial team for the custom artwork on the front cover and page layouts. We hope you’ll find this edition valuable. In this quarter’s issue

From the editor’s desk, we hope you all had a enjoyable midyear break and look forward to the next quarter. We’re looking forward to report back on a Springbok Scout award and all the fun and service ahead!

Yours in Scouting
The Smoke Signals Editors

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