Eagles Patrol Report

Eagles as per usual had an inspirational time this second term. Our ever expanding patrol gained our newest member Claire, we went on an eye opening patrol activity to the NSRI and some cinnabons were created.

Our trip to the NSRI was accompanied by Matthew, Alex, Ov and Holly. We learnt about big maps that see ships and we got a tour of their really cool boat. They had these chairs that don’t move even when the boat is zooming at high speed, they also had a coffee machine and a really large engine.

Definitely one of the highlights of the term was the mobile cooking evening. Eagles made cinnabons and various other type 2 diabetes inducing treats and somehow came last [the marking was rigged I promise]. They even put the cinnabons in a cute bag, adhering to the wise words of Demi Demi…

All in all it was a spiffing term, full with strange activities like when Alex was rolled down a hill with scarves tied to him, when Louis somehow couldn’t manage to button his shirt properly and when our poor masking tape mascot was mauled by the big boss of Kestrels [James] and lost its second wing. 

Holly Raine

Permanent link to this article: https://1stclaremont.org.za/smoke-signals/2024q2-eagles-patrol-report/