Eagles Term Report

This term eagles did their best to be on their grind and beat everyone in MOSCIP – which we didn’t do, but we did come third which was delightful. 

Along the way we found ourselves at Grand West where we played laser tag. Ov won, almost beaten by Alex. We also explored the sweet shop where we bought an impressive collection of diabetes. The most popular being the jelly bean, at a close fight with the rainbow bacon. 

At our patrol evening we tackled a Harry Potter themed Cluedo brought by Oliver. Finding it difficult to comprehend un-scouts related activities, we reverted to chowing our way through an impressive selection of chips.

I am very happy with the patrols advancement this term as well as the overall attendance.

Holly Raine

Permanent link to this article: https://1stclaremont.org.za/smoke-signals/2024q3-eagles-term-report/